Mobile Hotspots

Mobile Hotspots

Check out a Mobile Hotspot and enjoy wireless internet anywhere at any time.

Mobile HotspotMembers must be at least 18 years old and a resident or paying non-resident to check out a Hotspot. The Hotspots checkout for 2 weeks and cannot be renewed. Service is deactivated for a Hotspot if it is not returned by the due date.


 How to use

  1. Check the T-Mobile Service Map for coverage where you plan to use the Hotspot. Service may not be available in all areas.
  2. To turn the Hotspot on, press and hold the Power Button on the front of the device for 2-3 seconds.
  3. Open the Wi-Fi application or settings on your Wi-Fi-enabled device that you want to connect to the Hotspot.
  4. Find the Hotspot’s Wi-Fi name (SSID) and enter the password to connect to the Internet.


Note: The Wi-Fi name (SSID) and password appear on the Hotspot case and on the Hotspot LCD display.

The Hotspot has a series of screens that let you view device information, such as:  Signal Strength/Battery Status, Wi-Fi Name, Wi-Fi Password, Settings, Admin Password, and Data Usage.

Other Important Info

• Internet access is filtered for compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
• Loss or damage to any portion of the Hotspot kit is subject to a charge for replacement.

Kit Includes: a protective case with shock-absorbing insert, carabiner, charging cord, instructions, and Hotspot device. All pieces must be present at the time of return for the Hotspot to be checked in.

How can I borrow a Mobile Hotspot?

Give us a call or use our catalog to place a hold on a Mobile Hotspot. We will contact you when it is ready to be picked up at the library. Please bring your photo ID and a library card with you to check out a Mobile Hotspot.