Category: Librarian-Recommended Free Resources

Librarian-Recommended Free Resources Databases

A free online resource provided to help narrow your search to specific, targeted drug information. The website can help you find information about a specific medication or identify a pill. This information is available for both consumers and healthcare professionals on over 24,000 prescription and over-the-counter medicines available primarily in the USA. is a free video-based educational website that teaches older adults and other inexperienced Internet users with basic computer skills about websites that can help improve their quality of life. Want to know how to call a ride with Uber, or how to protect your identity online, or how to use that App that everybody is talking about? Techboomers is a great site for you.
Need a classic book for a school project? Project Gutenberg digitizes, archives, and distributes books in the public domain. The database includes some downloadable audiobooks and e-books formatted for the Kindle.