Category: Consumer Help: Healthcare, Taxes, and More

Consumer Help: Healthcare, Taxes, and More Databases

This gateway into will enable you to explore and (starting October 1, 2013) enroll in healthcare coverage through the insurance marketplace.

Supports the health and wellness information needs of patients. Covers mainstream medicine as well as complementary and holistic medicine.


Access free forms for Michigan income, business, city, and property taxes. You can also explore online filing options, check your refund status, or apply for a new business registration.

Free and accessible federal tax forms that you can print or download to your device. The website also includes tax guides in multiple languages and links to free online filing options.


UpCodes is a free website that provides access to some Michigan building codes.

A free online resource provided to help narrow your search to specific, targeted drug information. The website can help you find information about a specific medication or identify a pill. This information is available for both consumers and healthcare professionals on over 24,000 prescription and over-the-counter medicines available primarily in the USA.

Weiss Ratings OnlinePDL Database

Weiss Financial Ratings Series Online combines the strength of Weiss Ratings and TheStreet Ratings to provide libraries and their patrons with a single source for:
– financial strength ratings
– financial planning tools covering Banks, Insurers, Mutual Funds and Stocks
-financial literacy basics.

Learn How to Use Weiss Ratings


Consumer ReportsMEL Database

Full text of the magazine for easy online information. Consumer Reports uses careful research, consumer insights, journalism, and policy expertise to help you inform purchase decisions.
Looking for a particular article? Browse by year and issue to find what you need. Consumer Reports publishes a 5-year index once a month on this website.

Michigan eLibraryMEL Database

The State of Michigan supplies over fifty resources to further academic and career growth, only some of which we feature on our website. If you can’t find information in the PDL databases, check out the Michigan eLibrary for resources on education, medicine, business, and history, among other topics. Michigan eLibrary is available anywhere in Michigan.