Sewing and Crafts

We have the best crafts and sewing stuff!

The Makerspace is home to a variety of different sewing and craft opportunities. Check out our Creative Kits to see what kits we have available that might interest you. In addition, we have the following equipment:

Singer Heavy Duty Sewing Machines

singersewing We have six sewing machines available in the Makerspace for patrons to use, including the necessary accessories. Sewing Machines do not need to be reserved.

You do not need to make a reservation to use a sewing machine. Just stop by the Makerspace during Staffed Hours and staff will help you. If you stop by to use a sewing machine during a time when the Makerspace is not staffed and are knowledgeable about sewing, please check with the Adult Information Desk.


Button Makers

We have three button makers available in the Makerspace, one for buttons measuring 1.25”, another for buttons measuring 2.25”, and one for buttons measuring 3.0″.

The 3.0″ button maker can make buttons from photo paper or cardstock. The other button makers can only use regular copy paper.

You do not need to make a reservation to use the Button Maker. If you would like to use the machine, stop by the Makerspace during Staffed Hours and staff will help you. If you stop by to use the Button Maker during a time when the Makerspace is not staffed, please check with the Adult Information Desk.


You can bring in your own designs to use in our button machines or use some of the designs we have available in the Makerspace.

All designs need to be on regular copy paper. Cardstock and photo paper cannot be used as they will jam the machine.

Buttons are 25¢ each.

Click here to browse a variety of templates for making buttons.


Magnet Maker

We have a Magnet Maker available in the Makerspace. The Magnet Maker makes 2” x 3” magnets.

You can use the materials we have in the library to create your magnets or make your own designs and bring them in.

All designs need to be on regular copy paper. Cardstock and photo paper cannot be used as they will jam the machine.

You do not need to make a reservation to use the Magnet Maker. If you would like to use the machine, stop by the Makerspace during Staffed Hours and staff will help you. If you stop by to use the Magnet Maker during a time when the Makerspace is not staffed, please check with the Adult Information Desk.

Magnets are 50¢ each.

Click here to browse a variety of templates for making magnets. You can also use the button templates for magnets.